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Letter to the editor: Businesses need compensation now

Dear editor,
Local businesses are the heart and soul of the community and need expedient financial support to help them survive, writes Pat Dartnell.

Dear editor,

On the evening of Sept. 20, a group of about 40 small business owners from the downtown core came together at Javaroma to discuss their financial ordeals with the aftermath of the evacuation.

We all endured hardship through this both financially and emotionally.

But it was extremely sad and distressing to see this group: the heart and soul, the pulse of our community to be up against such trials and tribulations with financial support.

When evacuated, they needed to keep paying the rent and bills. They came back to a situation where many of their employees chose not to return. Without these businesses continuing to operate, what would happen to our fair city? Where would the government employees go for their coffee breaks?

How much money has the City of Yellowknife and the GNWT put into fighting these fires? In the grand scheme of things, what was the sense of fighting the fires when individuals making our community — the private sector who takes all the risks — could be struggling for months or years just to regain financial stability from closing? Where would our city be without these businesses and the entrepreneurial individuals who are the driving force behind them?

They deserve expedient financial support, enough to put them back where they were before the evacuation. We need normality as soon as possible.

What was the cost of fighting these fires? What is the cost to compensate businesses, the nerve centre of our fair city?

At the very least, a short wait time that will take care of the full financial shortfall that was incurred by this evacuation is needed. We need them here. There has been too much suffering and loss already.

Pat Dartnell, co-owner,

North Country Stables