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Letter: time for politicians to explain vaccine science, says Hay River man

Editor’s note: This was labelled as an “Open Letter to: Caroline Cochrane, Premier, Julie Green, Health minister, Dr. Kami Kandola, chief public health officer, Dr. Anne-Marie Pegg, territorial medical director.”
Letter writer John Dahl, who has attended recent demonstrations in Hay River concerning vaccine mandates says that public health officials and political leaders with the Government of the Northwest Territories should take part in a planned Zoom debate on Feb 22. The topic of the debate is about the science and legislation of the territory’s Covid dictates. NNSL file photo

Editor’s note: This was labelled as an “Open Letter to: Caroline Cochrane, Premier, Julie Green, Health minister, Dr. Kami Kandola, chief public health officer, Dr. Anne-Marie Pegg, territorial medical director.”

Dear editor,

In early February, 2022, the Office of Chief Public Health Officer received an emailed invitation from Ian Myers, Hay River resident, to participate in a live public debate, via Zoom, on February 22 at 7 P.M.

The topic of the debate will be the science and legislation that supports your Covid dictates. You were informed that Mr. Meyer’s guests include:

a) Mr. Brian Peckford, the former premier of Newfoundland and the last surviving signatory to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and

b) Physicians: Charles Hoffe of British Columbia, Chris Hodkinson of Alberta, Chris Milburn of Nova Scotia, and Daniel Nagase of Alberta.

In early February 2022, Dr. Andre Corriveau responded on behalf of the Office of the Chief Public Health. No one is available to debate the “Hesitant.” Seriously?

Dr. Kandola spent the last two years alarming the public of the dangers of Covid, the necessity of students missing school, and the need for residents, including children, being injected with an unproven new technology - mRNA. Moreover, you repeatedly implored the ‘vaccine hesitant’ to “do their part”. Now is the time for the GNWT leaders to do their part and explain their science.

Why do you believe the benefits of the Covid-19 injections outweigh the deaths and injuries caused by their deployment?

Your opinions are in sharp contrast with over 17,000 scientists,,, physicians in Canada (,, some members of the RCMP ( and many others.

A public debate justifying the extreme government infringements on freedoms is long overdue. This is your opportunity! Argue your case, then the ‘vaccine hesitant’, will likely vaccinate! Problem solved.

Debate is of tremendous value to achieve the informed consent required by medical ethics. With millions of dollars spent from the public/private purse to coerce public opinion, there is surely a public servant who could successfully debate our concerns. This is your moment of glory! A recording of the debate can be shared with the very people you believe risk the health of the masses.

The public looks forward to your participation in this debate. You are all welcome. Without the dictators’ participation in debate, the public can only arrive at one clear conclusion: your mandates are unjustifiable - and therefore null and void.

“For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.” John F. Kennedy Jr.


John Dahl

Hay River