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LETTER: A thank-you for an act of kindness

by Ruth McKeown, Yellowknife

To the editor,

A very big "thank you" goes out to Carl for his kind and neighbourly help on Sat. May 26, when I locked my key in my car at the Co-op parking lot.

I don’t know Carl or Carl’s last name, but he responded when asked if he could help by my friend Kathy, who said, “Do you know how to break into a car?” as he walked from his truck toward the store.

With my dog waiting in the car, Carl agreed to try to help.

He quickly checked out the possibility to get through the gap in the window to my bag, returned to search his toolbox in the back of his truck, and brought back a tool I didn’t recognize.

But that tool sure worked well to lift my bag so I could reach into it and pick up my key. Today I passed Carl while walking downtown.

We said hello and I asked him about that tool. He said it was for roasting wieners over an open fire. Ah, the resourcefulness of Northerners. I thanked him again.

He said he was glad he could help.

And I’m glad I live in Yellowknife, where there are lots of good people like Carl who don’t hesitate to help someone they don’t know, and from whom I now have a good memory of when someone helped me out.

Hope you read this, Carl.