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Tlicho government cancels in-person annual gathering due to Covid-19

The Tlicho government announced in a news release on June 10 that the "in-person" Tlicho Annual Gathering will be cancelled this year.

The event had been scheduled to take place in Wekweeti from July 7-9.

Tlicho Grand Chief George Mackenzie stated that the in-person Tlicho Annual Gathering will not take place this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. 
 NNSL file photo

"Because of the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and the contagious nature of the infectious disease, the Tlicho Assembly concluded that it would be unsafe for the Tlicho Nation to gather together in 2020," the news release states.

Grand Chief George Mackenzie said that given the circumstances around the Covid-19, it just isn't feasible to gather this year.

“The Tłı̨chǫ citizens, including our youth and Elders, have traditionally gathered together as one nation to share in our culture, celebrate our successes and talk about issues," he stated. "These are unprecedented times and we face a pandemic the likes of which have not been seen in our lifetimes. Every effort must be made to keep Tlicho citizens and our communities safe.”

The news release states that the Tlicho Assembly has asked the chief's executive council to still organize an annual gathering this year that can work around the in-person requirements. The alternative event is expected to include annual reports and financial statements for citizens. The Assembly also assures that Tlicho citizens can ask questions of the Tlicho government and its institutions.

A final date for this event is to be confirmed in the next couple of weeks, states the news release.

Last year, the 15th annual  Tlicho gathering took place in Gameti from July 9-11.