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Territorial government rolls out pot plan


Northwest Territories residents over the age of 19 will be able to spark up soon-to-be-legal marijuana in their own homes, as per a new pot plan rolled out by the territorial government Friday morning.

NWT residents will initially only be able to buy pot through liquor stores or by a mail order service run by the NWT Liquor Commission, with the commission taking the reigns for the importation and sale of cannabis.

"The GNWT recognizes that there is a strong interest in taking advantage of the business opportunities associated to the legalization of cannabis. There will be nothing in the legislation that prevents the future sale of cannabis in “cannabis only” stores. However, given the timeline imposed by the federal government, the GNWT’s priority is to ensure that there is an established and reliable system to sell cannabis in place by July 2018," stated the release.

Adults will also be able to carry up to 30 grams of weed in a public place come July of 2018, when marijuana is set to be legalized in Canada.

The long-awaited regulations for legal marijuana use in the territory were released by Minister of Justice Louis Serbert, who called the guidelines a "an important step in designing a system that will provide controlled access to a safe supply of recreational cannabis for NWT residents..."

The following details of the looming legislation were included in today's release:

The proposed minimum age for the possession and consumption of cannabis for NWT residents is 19 years.
· Adults 19 and older will be allowed to possess up to 30 grams of dried cannabis or its equivalent in a public place. Adults will also be allowed to grow up to 4 plants per household for personal use.

·Adults 19 and older will be allowed to smoke cannabis in their homes. Public smoking of cannabis will be prohibited in certain areas in order to protect others from second-hand smoke exposure.

·The NWT Liquor Commission will be responsible for the importation and sale of cannabis in the NWT. Initially, NWT residents will only be able to purchase cannabis through liquor stores or by a mail order service run by the NWT Liquor Commission.

·NWT communities will have the option to hold a plebiscite to prohibit cannabis, similar to the options currently available to restrict alcohol.

· The Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission (WSCC) will be responsible for reviewing occupational health and safety regulations and consulting with employers, labour groups and workers to ensure that any changes or additions adequately address impairment issues.
·The GNWT will set up new sanctions for drug-impaired driving.