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Sports Chek: Darts tournament begins

1805drt81.jpg photo courtesy of Randy Thompson The Yellowknife Darts Association handed over a cheque to the Foster Family Coalition of the NWT on May 11 in the amount of $2,260, which will help purchase a new wood stove for the coalition's Camp Connections site. From left, Quinta Carlick from the coalition, Steve Payne and Randy Thompson, the YDA's secretary-treasurer.

Latest sports news from around the Northwest TerritoriesDarts tournaments begin

Somba K'e/Yellowknife

The first darts tournament of the new season in the NWT got going in Yellowknife earlier this month and a group from the South Slave made it a territorial event of sorts.

The Freeze-Up Open happened on Sept. 14 and 15, featuring events in men's and women's singles, men's and women's doubles and a blind draw doubles, which sees players paired off with each other based on names drawn out of a hat.

Jennifer Lavers, one of the tournament organizers, said a group of six players had confirmed their entry into the tournament as of press time.


Youth ambassadors wanted


The NWT Youth Ambassadors Program is gearing up for another go, this time to the 2019 Canada Winter Games in Red Deer, Alta.

Its next training is happening in Yellowknife in November but it needs to know who will be coming. It's open to any NWT resident between the ages of 16 through 24 with a valid health card and availability to attend both the training session and the Games themselves next February.

The deadline to get your application in is Sept. 19 and you can do it online or over the phone.


Fustal camps start up

NWT Soccer is starting its trek toward the 2020 Arctic Winter Games.

The regional development futsal camps are happening around the territory from Sept. 28 to 30 with four locations: Aklavik, Norman Wells, Fort Smith and Fort Simpson.

Lyric Sandhals, NWT Soccer's executive director, said there is no evaluation happening whatsoever at any of the camps because it's a non-Arctic Winter Games year with the focus being on learning the game.

The coaches for the Arctic Winter Games teams will be flying into the communities once they are chosen, which is expected to happen in the coming days, said Sandhals.

About the Author: James McCarthy

I'm the managing editor with NNSL Media and have been so since 2022.
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