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Public health emergency extended to Sept. 29

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The Government of the Northwest Territories has again extended its territory-wide public health emergency in the midst of increasing cases of Covid-19 in Alberta and British Columbia.

The territorial government issued a news release Tuesday stating that the public health emergency would continue on until at least Sept. 29.

"With record levels of Covid-19 transmission being reported in neighbouring jurisdictions, the risk to the Northwest Territories is increased," the news release states. "The extension of the public health emergency is necessary in order to respond decisively to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic."

The territorial government last issued a public health emergency on Sept. 1-Sept. 15 with similar concerns.

“As Western Canada’s rate of infection reaches levels not seen since the beginning of the pandemic, our territory must remain vigilant to protect our communities, and our health system,” a Sept. 1 news release stated at the time. 

The news release adds that travel within the territory remains restricted upon arrival with limited exceptions.

"It is an offence to travel within the NWT without an exemption under the public health orders," states the release, noting that self-isolation is a key mechanism to defend the territory from the spread of the virus. "Everyone entering the NWT is required to self-isolate for 14 days in Yellowknife, Inuvik, Hay River or Fort Smith with few exceptions – no matter how long your trip out of the territory is."

Residents are expected to maintain public health safety measures, including keeping physical distances of two metres from other people, keeping circles and gatherings small, washing hands, covering coughs and sneezes and wearing non-medical masks when physical distances can't be kept.