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Premier McLeod not running again

Premier Bob McLeod told Yellowknifer late Thursday that he will be seeking a fourth term as MLA. Nick Pearce / NNSL Photo

After much speculation leading up to Friday's nomination deadline to file for candidacy,
Premier Bob McLeod stated in an email late Thursday that he will not be seeking a fourth term as MLA for Yellowknife South.

Premier Bob McLeod told Yellowknifer late Thursday that he will not be seeking a fourth term as MLA.
Nick Pearce / NNSL Photo

"I will not be running, thanks," stated McLeod in an email.

Yellowknifer had sent an email earlier in the day to see if McLeod would file but had received no response by press time at the end of the day Thursday.

First elected in 2007, the 12th premier of the Northwest Territories was elected by MLAs to serve on cabinet during his first term, becoming minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment. The 67 year old graduated to the premier's chair in his second term and was re-elected to the post in his third.

McLeod is the only MLA to be twice elected premier by members of the legislative assembly since commissioner powers were turned over the territory's executive council in 1979.

The decision leaves the Frame Lake South electoral district an open seat with a two-candidate race between Caroline Wawzonek and Gaeleen MacPherson who each filed earlier in the week, leading up to the Friday at 2 p.m. deadline.

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