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NWT School sports set for another season

Sept. 4 is the day when everything gets back to normal for parents.

But while it's the first official day of the new school year, it also means another year of school sports is set to begin.

Riis Schaub of Hay River, left, has his sights set on Chase Berreault of Fort Liard as Abby Duntra of Fort Liard follows the play during action in the Elks Outdoor Soccer Tournament in Hay River in September 2017. NNSL file photos

The NWT School Athletics Federation is responsible for all scholastic sporting events in the territory and that includes the first big territorial championship of the season: the Elks Outdoor Soccer Tournament in Hay River, which is scheduled to happen this year from Sept. 21 to 23. Last year's tournament featured athletes from Hay River, Fort Smith, Yellowknife, Fort Simpson and Fort Liard taking part.

Participation is the name of the game for the federation, according to its president, Tobi Dusome.

She said the more athletes taking part in events, the better off they'll be down the road.

“Being a multi-sport athlete is so important, especially at the younger ages,” she said. “It's important that the young athletes get involved in as many sports as they can. Representing your school is a big deal and that's really cool no matter what age you're at but empowering youth and having them play is key.”

The added benefits of better co-ordination and understanding physical fitness with students competing in a variety of sports are big as well, she added.

“Long-term athlete development is the model every sport is shooting for nowadays,” she said. “There's a big push to get kids active in many sports and teaching physical literacy in phys-ed classes will only help with that co-ordination. We're providing kids with every opportunity to to compete in sports.”

India Edwards of Yellowknife, left, looks to outrun Jenna Demarcke of Hay River during action in the NWT Power Corporation Senior Cager's U15 girls division in Yellowknife back in March.

The big events of the season are always the outdoor soccer tournament in Hay River, followed by the Spike It! tournaments in October, the NWT Badminton Championships in Hay River in December, the Cager basketball tournaments in February, Super Soccer in late April and early May and the NWT Track and Field Championships in Hay River in June.

Dusome said because the school sports season is so short, the federation does the best it can to make sure everything is spaced out but not to the detriment of any one sport.

“We try to keep it equal so all sports get close to the same amount of practice time leading up to it,” she said. “We talk to the TSOs (territorial sport organizations) to get some help and we know that teams head down south to play in tournaments so we do our best not to conflict with any of that.”
Try as they might, Dusome said it doesn't always work out as some students do end up missing school sports tournaments.

“I know there's some athletes who will be missing Cager because of the Canada Winter Games (in February) but you can't help that,” she said.

As much as the athletic side of the federation is important, these are student athletes, said Dusome, and there's a reason the word 'student' precedes athlete.

“All of the athletes must be in good standing with their school and they must be doing well academically,” she said. “Performing well in school is a must, as is attendance, and we are big advocates for that.”

About the Author: James McCarthy

I'm the managing editor with NNSL Media and have been so since 2022.
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