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LOOKING BACK: Chief fed up with dump fires

40 years ago

Fire Chief Bob Oscroft was fed up with having to extinguish fires at the city dump. He appeared before the Protection to Persons and Property Committee where he asked that a gate be put across the road and access to the dump be limited to daytime hours.

According to Oscroft, most of the fires were started at night when cleaning companies burned refuse collected from government offices. The government required all discarded paper to be burned.

The city employed a person to guard the dump by day and make sure no fires were started but nights were a different matter.

“I'm getting sick and tired of it,” he said. “It's a dirty job putting them out and sometimes its physically impossible.”

Oscroft also said aside from the hassle of extinguishing the fires, it cost the city plenty in wages and in replacing firetruck tires, which were sometimes damaged while driving around the dump.


30 years ago

City council voted to rezone an area near the intersection of Franklin Avenue and Taylor Road from commercial to institutional.

The rezoning was necessary to begin construction of a new fire hall.

Council also voted to relax the maximum height restriction on institutional property so the lot could accommodate a 31-metre tower to be used for training. They also needed the extra space to dry hoses.


20 years ago

Ottawa sold 168,000 ounces of gold the previous month, the first sale in nearly two years.

The sale represented a reduction of $8 million in the book value of the government's gold holdings, which stood at 2.9 million ounces as of July 31,1998. The government sold its gold reserves in exchange for interest bearing assets. It had not sold gold since October 1996 because of low prices.

Gold was trading at 287.80 USD


10 years ago

The Yellowknife Golf Club's general manager and head pro Gordon Brayton added his name to the list of players who had hit a hole-in-one at the course. Using a nine-iron, Brayton aced the 155-yard 14th hole during men's night.

His playing partners Ron Delmage, Tyler McDuff, Patrice Provencher and Simone Provencher witnessed the shot.

Dave Dalrymple, of Yellowknife also aced the 11th hole during the Air Tindi Charity Golf Classic for Kids. It was his third hole-in-one in 40-plus years of golfing, he said. He hit his first one in 1989 and his second in 1992, he said.