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LOOKING BACK: A rumble at Winks

by Candace A. McQuatt

40 years ago

Summer job corps employees were working with the RCMP on an anti-theft initiative by coming to people's homes and cataloguing their valuables.

To do this the workers would label most of people's goods with their social insurance numbers. Items like jewelry and fur coats were excluded from the process.

A First Air Boeing 737. photo courtesy of Wikimedia commons

The program was intended to deter theft, but also to aid in the recovery of valuables and to catch thieves.

Everyone was eligible for this free service. After the labeling was complete, workers would affix a yellow sticker to the person's home. The hope was that theives would see the sticker and move on.

The service was available until Aug. 31. Summer job corp workers were also at RCMP headquarters one day a week to mark bicycles.


30 years ago

The city bought a car for the bylaw enforcement department from a Hay River automobile dealership.

Kingland Ford, based in Hay River, responded to a tender call for a vehicle that could meet the city's requirements.

Neither Yellowknife's Discovery Ford or Yellowknife Motors offered a vehicle that met the city's standards.

The city spent $18,576 for a new station wagon, subject to council's approval.


20 years ago

A Yellowknife man suffered a cut on his head and was taken to hospital after being struck by a baseball bat around 3 a.m. outside Winks Store on Franklin Avenue.

Then store manager Eduardo Zaragoza called the incident a 'rumble.'

RCMP were called and arrested two people for being intoxicated in a public place.


10 years ago

Charges were pending against a First Air passenger who joked about two people carrying explosives

The 30-year old Edmonton man was boarding a flight from Yellowknife to Edmonton when he claimed two people accompanying him shouldn't have been allowed on the plane because they were carrying explosives in their pockets.

When RCMP detained and questioned the man after barring all three men from the flight, it was apparent that the man “unwisely made the statement in reaction to a practical joke played on him by the two other men.”

The men were released from custody and caught a flight to Edmonton the next day.