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LETTER: Why board games are so awesome

From: Harry Jacobs

Dear editor,
In this day and age of technology, board games offer a refreshing respite from staring at our phones and texting each other from across the room.An epiphany came to me just before Christmas a couple of years ago when my wife and I were watching TV, no interaction, face first in our phones, not talking or interacting with each other.

Boardgames can provide hours of fun learning rules and teaching them to friends and family. Michele Taylor/NNSL photo

It was then I decided to go into the local gaming store and find something that we could play together that was not overly complicated but would offer a lot of fun for the both of us.

My wife and I were entering a brave new world where we wanted to take back some of our life from the various technology devices around the house.

Not just computers but the television as well. Having been a gamer in my youth I had not realized that games went from a niche market among the nerds to mainstream entertainment for millions around the world.

That game changed me for the better, with all that was going on then and now it added focus and fun back into not only my marriage but for me personally.

There is a real thrill that I get each and every time I open the shrink of a new game. Then learning the rules and best yet teaching my wife and friends how to play. How awesome is that?

– Editor's note: Ptarmicon 2018 takes place July 27 to 29 at Chateau Nova. See YKBuzz on page 12 for more information.