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LETTER: Death by 130,000 cuts

The following is a letter sent to NWT MP Michael McLeod by Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce president Mike Lalonde and executive director Deneen Everett calling for changes to Canada's regulatory system, citing a new report by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce entitled, "Death by 130,000 Cuts: Improving Canada's Regulatory Competitiveness."

To Michael McLeod, MP,

Canadian companies are dying a death by 130,000 cuts—or 134,754 to be more specific. That is the total number of federal requirements as reported by the treasury board that impose an administrative burden on businesses. These requirements are part of Canada's complicated network of overlapping regulations from all levels of government that have created a costly and uncertain environment in which to invest and operate a business.

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce has released a new report, Death by 130,000 Cuts: Improving Canada's Regulatory Competitiveness.

We invite you and your staff to view the report and its recommendations at Death by 130,000 Cuts marks the beginning of a campaign to work with elected officials and regulators to reverse the continuing deterioration of Canada's regulatory environment and help restore investor confidence in Canada.

In addition to suggesting several improvements to federal regulatory practices, Death by 130,000 Cuts recommends that the government immediately convene a business-government working group to support the development and implementation of improvements to the federal regulatory environment.

Canada needs improved collaboration among elected officials, regulators and stakeholders to identify more efficient ways to achieve policy objectives while maximizing economic growth.

Please accept our commitment to work with you to reduce the increasing regulatory complexity from all levels of government that are making it more difficult to do business in our community.