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The Last Walk an inspiration to youth around territory

Friends, the team of Tamara Voudrach and Jerri Thrasher are taking the media world by storm, just now beginning with a fifteen minute short.

The media idea began a few years ago, as an Alliance of Filmmakers, to be featured around the circumpolar north.

Done entirely by the Delta team, right from the writing to producing, The Last Walk centers on a duality of life-styles, one of the Inuvialuit and the other, who has moved south for school and gotten into trouble.

The story should be a familiar one to its target audience, the youth, and sure to be followed by other and more professional works. A good sign is this first attempt has already been screened at an international forum, the Berlin International Film Festival.

Having done so early in my career, I would strongly suggest young people of today to follow in the footsteps of Voudrach and Thrasher. Media studies is something which cannot help but open many doors.

In fact, anything to do with the media helps youth in a field which they may find among the hardest, that of simply communicating their wants and needs. Failing that often leads to some kind of problem, often with the law.

We are all familiar with the areas we need to work on, as a society, and any use of the media is a powerful and positive way to bring these issues to public attention.

I am looking forward to whatever these two Delta filmmakers have in store for us, and especially in issues we keep hearing about, those of bullying and suicide.

For the time being, Mahsi, Kuyanieni, thank you, Tamara and Jerri! Keep up the good work.