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Legislative assembly to return May 20

Shane Magee/NNSL photo Clerk Tim Mercer, left, Speaker Jackie Jacobson and Sergeant-at-arms Brian Thagard walk into the assembly Wednesday afternoon to open the second last sitting of the 17th legislative assembly.

MLAs will return to the legislative assembly on May 20 after ending their sitting early to tackle COVID-19 in their respective constituencies last month.

The legislative assembly is currently looking at different ways to reconvene, spokesperson Danielle Mager said over email. That could involve limiting the number of members in the chamber, or conducting business online.

In the meantime, all 11 regular MLAs meet three times a week to teleconference as the Standing Committee on Accountability and Oversight. So far, the committee has passed several motions, including a request that the government enforce a formal pause on evictions and provide relief for Northern airlines.

“Other Legislative Assembly Standing Committees are currently not meeting ...  to give the government time to focus on the COVID19 pandemic,” Mager wrote.