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The cost of winning the Tununiq byelection? $10.50

David Qamaniq FRONT
David Qajaakuttuk Qamaniq became MLA for the Tununiq riding after spending $10.50 on his September campaign.
photo courtesy of Elections Nunavut

The candidates’ expenditures for the Tununiq byelection have been audited and the winner spent the most money on his campaign, but it was only $10.50.

David Qamaniq prevailed in the Sept. 16 byelection in Pond Inlet, defeating his lone competitor Charlie Inuarak by a vote count of 182-171.

Inuarak revealed that he spent nothing at all on his election campaign.

Qamaniq filed a report to Elections Nunavut showing that he spent $10.50 under the category of campaign signs and advertisements.

About the Author: Derek Neary

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