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TEA TALK: Good news for Cambridge Bay's athletes


Hello from the cold, cold community of Cambridge Bay. We've been experiencing lots of cold weather, and we hope everyone is keeping safe and warm during these winter months. The sun has been out shining longer each day. It looks beautiful, but it's still cold.

Navalik Tologanak/NNSL photo
A nice way to start the new year. Women in Cambridge Bay participated in amauti making classes to find a way to reduce smoking. Through a funded program, the Department of Healthy Living (Wellness Centre) supplied material and sewing supplies along with sewing machines for women to learn how to make baby-packing parkas – western Kitikmeot style amautiit. Sewing is a good way to occupy your cravings to avoid smoking or just to cut down the amount of cigarettes smoking. Way to go ladies!

The community of Cambridge Bay is busy preparing for the 2019 Kitikmeot Trade Show where we have lots of visitors, businesses, agencies, entertainers, good food, dance, and lots of souvenirs for everyone to take home. Please check out the schedule, which should be available soon.

All the ladies are busy preparing and sewing their handicrafts and carvers are busy carving their masterpieces and little souvenirs. We hope everyone will be dressed warm and be safe and have fun.

Every year, the kids enjoy going to the trade show because they can collect souvenirs and swag. It's like Christmas for them.

We have some great news about our arena. It's in the final stages for inspection and to finally open soon. Our youth will soon be able to go skating and our hockey players, young and older, can begin to play hockey for a couple of months.

It is extremely important that buildings are inspected and kept safe for everyone's health. Cambridge Bay was able to get our arena back in a safe and healthy condition. Look out for hockey news and when the arena will open.

We have so many successful and bright athletes in Cambridge Bay. Some of our wrestlers will be going to the Canada Winter Games and big thanks to their coaches, who are so committed and dedicated to their teams, for their hard work.

We also have some upcoming basketball tournaments where some of our youth will be attending a tournament in Yellowknife in February. Good luck to them!

Cambridge Bay basketball players are very well known for their achievements. We also have soccer players who are so busy and energetic. Once again thanks to the coaches who are so committed to keeping our youth active.

We are very proud of our very own coffee company, which launched a few days ago, Kaappittiaq. Congratulations to the Kitikmeot Heritage Society and the board of directors for keeping up the dream of having a coffee company out of Cambridge Bay. Already sold out and awaiting new stock to come in.

Enjoy Cambridge Bay. Keep warm, be safe, and see you at the trade show.

God be with you, Son.