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IN MY VIEW: Preparing for cold weather

IN MY VIEW: Our health and well-being
In My View with Harry Maksagak

As the weather begins to change from mild to cold, we have to think about being ready for this.

Nunavut News columnist Harry Maksagak

Having the proper clothing is one part of being prepared for the cold. We have to make sure that our children have a good breakfast before they go to school, too. If they leave the house in the morning and they are hungry, they will feel the cold very quickly.
In many cases, both parents have to work to make ends meet and this could be a little complicated.
A lunch box has to be ready if the child takes the bus to school. If we are going to make this lunch box then some planning has to take place. We have to make sure we have some money put aside to buy the snacks for Monday to Friday.
As we begin to get ready for the awareness of Addictions Week, we have to consider our personal lifestyle carefully. I am not the only one in the house. There are other people to consider and the children are our special gift that we need to nurture and care for.
We need to put self aside and look after these 'little people' with love and affection. When they see and feel this special feeling, they will excel at school and someday they will graduate and they, in turn, will look after mom and dad or gramma and grandad.
The way you treat people will come back to you in the way you did this.
These little people have feelings and when there is a positive attitude, good things happen. There is contentment and happiness and the home is comfortable and welcoming.
Let's give our little ones a head start in building strong positive relationships at home, in school and in the community in general.