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GN's wolf harvest program resulted in 654 of the animals slayed in 2019-20

Nunavummiut killed 654 wolves during the 2019-20 harvest season under the Department of Environment's wolf sample collection program, Minister Joe Savikataaq announced Monday.

Nunavummiut hunters collected a total of $196,000 through the Department of Environment's wolf sample program in 2019-20, according to Minister Joe Savikataaq.
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The bulk of the predators – 471 of them – were hunted in the Kivalliq region. Another 151 were taken in the Kitikmeot while 32 were slayed in the Qikiqtaaluk.

The program offers $300 to hunters who submit samples and details about their kill to local wildlife offices. In total, $196,000 was paid out to harvesters.

"The wolf sample collection program has been successful in increasing the overall wolf harvest, and has been an effective way to provide additional support to our hunters," said Savikataaq. "The knowledge and research gathered through this program will help to identify the diet composition of wolves, and provide information about regional wolf packs and populations. Using that, we will be able to relate wolf harvest information to caribou population data, which will serve as a valuable management tool. This information may assist in the recovery of our caribou herds and allow us to provide additional financial support to our hunters."

About the Author: Derek Neary

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