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Yk Citizens for Ceasefire call for end to Gaza conflict

Approximately 50 people took to the streets on Saturday afternoon to call for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.
“I think it’s wrong, it’s so wrong, this is genocide, no matter what the circumstance,” said Krysta Thim, whom participating the march. Kaicheng Xin/NNSL photo

Approximately 300 people took to the streets on Saturday afternoon to call for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.

The march was in response to the ongoing conflict in Gaza and was led by Yk Citizens for Ceasefire, a group of local residents which organized quickly in response to the crisis.

“Gaza has become a graveyard, a graveyard for thousands of children. It is a living hell. This is why we are demanding a ceasefire,” said Derek Lindman, one or the organizers and spokesperson for the group. “We are a group of concerned Yellowknifers from all walks of life, and we have gathered to say that the killing of children must stop.”

In addition to the ceasefire call. Lindman said the organization is calling for a restoration of services to the region, including electricity, water and internet, and free passage of humanitarian aid.

“We see that it is our responsibility to put forward these demands in a public, visible way (and) to put pressure on our federal, territorial, and municipal leaders and act in solidarity with the people most affected by the conflict,” Lindman explained.

The organization is not taking sides in the conflict, he added, with its demands being the focus.

“One more death is too many,” Lindman stated.

Lindman also expressed his disappointment with the federal government’s response to the crisis.

“I’m horrified that the Canadian government has not asked for a ceasefire. Canada needs to do better,” he said.

The march was organized in less than a week and Lindman said around 80 people attended the initial meeting, where they identified their principles and demands and created different committees to organize the rally.

He said that safety measures were put in place for the march, which was approved by the city. A well-publicized route was established through the downtown area and several group members were around to de-escalate any potential conflicts.

People gathered in front of the City Hall ready for a march to support ceasefire in Gaza on Nov. 4 afternoon. Kaicheng Xin/NNSL photo

About the Author: Kaicheng Xin

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