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Yellowknifers share their hopes and dreams for 2024

Angela Trudeau “I just really hope to make it through my (office administration) program and start a better future for myself. I think 2024 will be a great year for me.”

Jan. 1 is upon us and with it comes hope for a better year.

Yellowknifer asked some residents what they are looking forward to in 2024.

“I’m just hoping for more happiness after all that Covid stuff,” said Rex Wesstron.

He added that the summer wildfires that ravaged the NWT will hopefully be under control and not pose a threat to the communities again. He witnessed the smoke and flames when he drove along the highway.

“It was scary. I’m hoping that the fires will go away and we can have a better environment,” he said.

Ruth Johnston said she’s wishing for a more positive and better year for everyone, especially for the business community. She was affected by the economic downturn caused by the pandemic and the fires, and she hopes to see more opportunities and growth in Yellowknife.

“I just hope that 2024 is better than 2023. It was a tough year for everyone, with the fires and everything else. I hope we can recover and thrive,” she said.

Angela Trudeau, an Aurora College student originally from Fort Smith, said she hopes to make it through her office administration program and start a new career. To that effect, she plans to move to Edmonton and find a good job placement.

“I just really hope to make it through my program and start a better future for myself. I think 2024 will be a great year for me,” she said.

Kelly Pottinger, who has lived in Yellowknife since 1975, is also preparing to move to Alberta and go back to school to study massage therapy. She said she’s leaving because of the high cost of living in the NWT.

“I’ve been through cancer, so since cancer I haven’t worked. So I’m hoping for a better kind of life, adventures out there in Alberta,” she said. “It’s cheaper to live there.”

Annick Lessard, a member of the francophone community who has lived in Yellowknife for 10 years, said she’s looking forward more French services in the city.

“We are hoping to have some tests done in French for our children, and services are not there, so that would be nice,” she said.

She also said there should be improved support and safety for everyone who was affected by the wildfire evacuation that happened this summer, should a similar situation arise.

“It was very intense, so hopefully there will be more safety for everyone,” she said. “And the city will be more prepared and they learned from the past. And definitely, they can maybe team up more with the government. I hope the Government of Canada will step up more,” she said.

Mayor Rebecca Alty said she’s going into 2024 with no expectations, but with optimism and preparedness. She said that past few years have taught her to deal with whatever gets thrown her way.

“I’m hoping for the best, but getting prepared for anything,” she said.

Alty wants to spend more time with friends and family in the new year, and also catch up on projects that were delayed by the fires in 2023. She said one of the highlights of 2024 could be the completion of the city’s new aquatic centre, which is expected to open late in the year or in early 2025.

She wishes everyone a happy and healthy new year, and hopes for a better situation around the world.

“I think it’s important to be grateful for what we have, and to support each other as a community,” said Alty.

Ruth Johnston “I just hope that 2024 is better than 2023. It was a tough year for everyone, with the fires and everything else. I hope we can recover and thrive.”
Kelly Pottinger “I’ve been through cancer, so since cancer I haven’t worked. So I’m hoping for a better kind of life, adventures out there in Alberta. It’s cheaper to live there.”
Rebecca Alty “I think the one thing that the past few years has taught me is to just go in with no expectations, and I’m hoping for the best, getting prepared for anything that gets thrown our way.”