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Yellowknife zoning bylaw public hearing Nov. 27

The city plans a public hearing about the draft zoning bylaw later this month.
The City of Yellowknife’s draft zoning bylaw proposes revitalizing the downtown by making development denser, permitting mixed development and urban agriculture in many zones and respecting the role of Indigenous peoples in development decisions. NNSL file photo

The city plans a public hearing about the draft zoning bylaw later this month.

The event will be both in-person, at the DND Gym at the Multiplex Nov. 27 starting at 10 a.m., and on Zoom.

The public hearing is “an opportunity for residents to speak or comment directly to Council about the new Zoning By-law now that it has received First Reading,” according to city spokesperson Alison Harrower.

Written submissions will be included in the agenda package and will be accepted until 4:30 p.m. Nov. 24. Send them to:

City Clerk

Yellowknife City Hall,

P.O. Box 580,

Yellowknife, NT,

X1A 2N4.

Residents can also email submissions to or fax them to (867) 920-5649.

To speak at the hearing, in person or via Zoom, contact the Office of the City Clerk at 920-5602 or before 12 p.m. Nov. 26 to register. You must provide your name and whether you will be speaking in favour or against the proposed Zoning By-law.

“Residents are advised that council cannot consider any submissions received after the public hearing is declared closed,” Harrower wrote in an email. “For more information, visit: or email”