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Yellowknife RCMP resolve 48 Street standoff

A police command vehicle outside an apartment on 48th street. Yellowknife RCMP are in a standoff with a person they say has barricaded themselves in an apartment and is armed. They are asking residents to not post information on police movements on social media. Jill Westerman/NNSL photo

UPDATE: Yellowknife RCMP say the situation has been resolved without any injuries. They caution there may be an increased police present throughout the evening.

Original story continues below:

Yellowknife RCMP are in a standoff with a person who they say is armed and barricaded in an apartment building on 48 street.

A notice was released by police shortly after 8:30 p.m. Feb. 22.

“The Yellowknife RCMP are responding to an armed and barricaded situation at an apartment building on 48 Street,” said NT RCMP media relations officer Cpl. Matt Halstead. “Residents can expect to see an increased police presence in the area as this situation unfolds.

“People are asked to avoid the area and refrain from posting police movements on social media. Additional updates will be provided as additional information becomes available.”