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NWT Wildfires: Veterinarians Without Borders ordering crates for Yellowknife pets

Veterinarians Without Borders ordering crates for Yellowknife wildfire pets
Dr. Michelle Tuma of Veterinarians without borders is calling for support as the organization tries to support Yellowknife pet owners amid the Wildfire evacuation. Screenshot courtesy Veterinarians without borders

Veterinarians without borders (VWB) is procuring crates food, and other supplies for people evacuating Yellowknife, Enterprise, Fort Smith, Behchoko, Jean Marie River, K’atlodeeche First Nation N’ilo, Dettah and Ingraham Trail.

“It’s chaotic here, but we are doing everything we can, including having crates brought up from down south,” said VWB Northern Canada veterinary specialist Dr. Michelle Tuma. “Every crate in town was bought out, and you can’t get your pet on evacuation flights without one.”

Yellowknife was ordered to evacuate by 12:00 p.m. Aug. 18 as the Behchoko/Yellowknife Fire ZF015 is now in danger of reaching the city limits by the weekend. Residents are being asked to evacuate by road if able to and the government is working with airlines to arrange flights for people who have limited mobility. People who are unable to travel by road for financial reasons are asked to gather at the Multiplex to catch a bus ride.

Dr. Tuma is asking for anyone who can lend support to help, by visiting their website.

READ MORE: SPCA needs emergency volunteers amid wildfire threat near Yellowknife

More to come.

About the Author: Eric Bowling

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