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United Church craft sale ‘very well supported by the community’

Peter Workman, one of the vendors, said some of his ideas were based on some of the research he has done on social media. Kaicheng Xin/NNSL photo

Yellowknife United Church held its second craft sale of the year last weekend at Northern United Place.

The sale featured around 30 vendors selling a variety of handmade items, such as knitwear, jewelry, artwork, Christmas decorations, and baked goods.

“We try and support the local people, local vendors and we occasionally get people from out of town as well,” said Marg Henderson, treasurer for the church. “It’s very well supported by the community and well established, and the funds are used to support the work of (the church).”

Marg Henderson, treasurer for Yellowknife United Church, left, and church member Terrilyn Hayden were on hand helping vendors setting up tables. Kaicheng Xin/NNSL photo

Henderson said that the church provided the venue and the tables for the vendors and added a personal touch to the event with coffee and tea.

“They appreciated that we give them a fair amount of time to set up. A lot of places only have an hour beforehand and if you wander through the sale, you’ll see that our vendors have huge amounts of product that they bring in for the sale,” she said.

She added that the sale attracted a steady stream of customers throughout the day, although it was not as busy as previous years. She attributed that to the abundance of sales and events happening in the city during the holiday season.

Peter Workman, one of the vendors, said some of his ideas were based on some of the research he has done on social media.

He also said handcrafting a steady hobby from since the age of eight.

“I used to do some sewing and some other stuff and had some sealskin products in the past, handmade teddy bears and things, I’ve always done some crafting, I’ve always done crushing or knitting my grandmother taught me how to do those things when I was a kid,” he said.

Ilona Legler, owner of I.M. Crafting, and Dawn Gould were busy welcoming visitors to their table. Kaicheng Xin/NNSL photo