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Toy drive one of the most fruitful in recent memory

The annual toy drive organized by Northwestel and the Salvation Army netted 190 toys this year along with a $5,000 cheque from Northwestel.
Jason Brinson, left, receives a cheque for $5,000 from Northwestel by Imran Khan, Northwestel’s director of finance. Photo courtesy of Salvation Army

The annual toy drive organized by Northwestel and the Salvation Army netted 190 toys this year along with a $5,000 cheque from Northwestel.

“We’re excited,” said Jason Brinson, executive director of the Salvation Army. “The collection this year seems to be one of the largest since we’ve been here, and we’ve been here since 2018.”

RELATED REPORTING: Northwestel and Salvation Army holiday toy drive underway

Brinson was thankful for the community response and for Northwestel’s efforts in helping to ensure many more Yellowknifers enjoy happy holidays.

“We’re just very grateful to Northwestel and their staff and anyone who may have dropped off toys from the public,” he said.

Paul Gillard, Northwestel’s vice-president of business markets, previously told Yellowknifer that the money is to be directed to the Salvation Army’s hamper program.

The Salvation Army will set up a toy shop within its building at 4925 45 St., where people can come in at set hours and pick out a toy, according to Brinson.

“So the toys are set out on tables around our church space,” he said. “Then when people come, they can shop for the toys based on their family and their children’s ages.

“Certainly our goal is to bring joy and hope to people at Christmas — all year round really — but particularly Christmas.”