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Tetlit Gwich’in delegation walks out of GTC assembly

Delegates representing Tetlit Gwich’in council have walked out of the GTC’s Annual General Assembly.
The Tetlit Gwich’in council table sits empty after the delegation walked out during the GTC’s annual general assembly. Eric Bowling/NNSL photo

Delegates representing Tetlit Gwich’in council have walked out of the GTC’s Annual General Assembly.

Tetlit president Richard Nerysoo made the announcement during a discussion of bylaw amendments on Oct. 5.

“If our advice is not welcome we will take caucus,” said Nerysoo.

At issue were a number of changes to the GTC’s bylaws. Among them were a change that future annual assemblies would only require a notice to be sent to Gwich’in councils.

Nerysoo proposed an amendment to include designated Gwich’in organizations (DGOs) in the bylaws.

However, Nihtat president Kelly McLeod suggested the Tetlit council was stalling the process of governing.

Nihtat delegate Barry Greenland questioned if the Tetlit delegation was representative of the community. Grand Chief Ken Kykivichik, who is also member of the Tetlit Gwich’in, said he received no notification from the Tetlit delegation they would be walking out of the assembly.

Members of the Tetlit delegation were also criticized for not having agendas on hand, with Kykivichik noting the distribution of agendas is the responsibility of DGOs. However, a representative of the Tetlit delegation pointed out the Tetlit office was closed because the GTC suspended DGO president Abe Wilson and cut off funding to the DGO.

The bylaws were passed unanimously in the absence of the delegates. A lone delegate from Fort McPherson also voted in favour.

Motions to permanently remove Wilson and Gwichya DGO president Mavis Clark were to be dealt with later in the day.

Following lunch, members of the Tetlit delegation rejoined the assembly.

About the Author: Eric Bowling

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