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Team Wainman reflects on banner year

Being on stage, named team of the year, can mean many things for many people, but for team Wainman it can summarized in one word.
Sport North’s Team of the Year is Team Wainman, the curling quartette from Inuvik. Left to right: Reese Wainman, Alexandria Testart-Campbell, Brooke Smith and Tamara Bain. Photo courtesy of Sports North

Being on stage, named team of the year, can mean many things for many people, but for team Wainman it can summarized in one word.

“Scary,” said Brooke Smith. “Before, because we knew we were next, we were just looking at the crowd smiling.”

“But it feels good. It’s a great accomplishment.”

Team Wainman was given the honour at the Sport North Awards May 27 in Yellowknife.

The team was reflecting on a banner year that saw them win major championships, including the Arctic Winter Games.

That victory was particularly sweet for all four, but the team had personal victories as well, with more personalized top moments.

Reese Wainman said she was particularly proud of a moment for the team in Sherwood Park, when she made the winning shot to win the bonspiel. She said she also enjoyed getting to see the many small curling communities around the country.

“Quebec was really cool,” she said.

On top of their stellar victory at the AWG, the girls got to make appearances at bonspiels around the country, including an appearance at the Canada Winter Games.

Hard work on the ice has had its benefits off the ice. The team said they learned valuable lessons in life and also were able to see much of the country from Quebec to Prince Edward Island to Alberta.

Others built up their curling game.

“I learned how to be a lead this year,” said Tamara Bain. “I had never played as lead before in my life after eight years of curling.”

Another major lesson for the girls was improving their communication skills, on and off the ice.

Ironically, the biggest lesson they said they learned was how to lose with grace and rebound for the next challenge.

“We’ve learned we’re going to lose a lot, at least we did to older teams,” said Alexandria Testart-Campbell. “But we just have to learn to move on from that and not be sad about the loss.”

While the season is wrapped up, the team isn’t done yet. They’re set to hit a curling camp in Morris, Man. to train under the legendary curler Kevin Martin.

Having caught the curling bug, the girls say they’re planning to keep playing for the rest of their lives. More short term, they want to repeat their success at the Arctic Winter Games and win a major Canadian championship.

In the interim, they gave a shout out to their supporters and their parents for all the help they’ve gotten along the year.

“Thanks to Kate Jarvis,” said said Bain.

“And all the parents,” added Smith.

Team Wainman is currently conducting a draw for a fundraiser. You can enter by visiting their Facebook page.

About the Author: Eric Bowling

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