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Stanton Hospital short of nurses in emergency department and ICU

Internal email sent by NTHSSA confirms, “significant staffing shortage”
Stanton Territorial Hospital is in urgent need of nursing staff for a couple of departments, according to an internal email sent morning of March 24. NNSL photo.

Stanton Hospital is calling out for registered nurses to fill a “significant staffing shortage” due to “illnesses and vacancies,” stated an internal email sent by the Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority (NTHSSA) and obtained by NNSL Media.

“Specific urgent needs are within the emergency department and the ICU for the next 7-10 days, but may be extended further,” reads the email sent Thursday, March 24 at 9:14 a.m.

“The current staffing situation at Stanton’s emergency department is due to a Covid-19 exposure which has led to some staff becoming symptomatic or being required to isolate,” said Jack Miltenberger, NTHSSA communications officer.

The correspondence asks that interested parties check in with their current departments before applying.

“NTHSSA continues to take all available measures to prevent Covid-19 exposures among staff in our workplaces, including a requirement for continuous masking in all clinical settings, however with the current level of circulating infection, occasionally such exposures do occur and result in impacts to staffing,” Miltenberger said. “There has been no impact to service levels in the Stanton emergency department related to this exposure.”