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Some health services will be moved to old Stanton hospital in 2024

The Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority (NTHSSA) is set to transition operations to the old Stanton Hospital, the Liwegoati building, in early 2024.
The Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority is set to transition operations to the legacy Stanton Hospital in early 2024. Kaicheng Xin/NNSL photo

The Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority (NTHSSA) is set to transition operations to the old Stanton Hospital, the Liwegoati building, in early 2024.

The new facility will house the integrated care teams from Yellowknife Primary Care and the Frame Lake clinic, as well as outpatient rehab services. These include occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech and language therapy, audiology and the child development team. However, the primary care extended same day appointment service will remain at the Yellowknife Primary Care Clinic downtown.

“Creating a campus of care around the Stanton Territorial Hospital site allows for it to be more convenient to access services in one location for residents who live in Yellowknife and those who travel to Yellowknife from other communities for care and services,” said Krystal Pidborochynski, communication operation manager with NTHSSA.

She added that the co-location of services in the Liwegoati building is expected to provide an opportunity to review, revise and refine processes that impact patient care and experience. The health authority also aims to increase services to Elders.

As for vacant spots left by the moving services, the full scope of this has yet to be determined. A team is currently working on space allocation within NTHSSA, and more information will be provided as the project progresses over the coming months, the health authority stated.

About the Author: Kaicheng Xin

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