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Shoring up the ice crossing

Well over a month in the making, construction of the Mackenzie River ice crossing officially began Nov. 18 and the road opened to light traffic as of Nov. 30.

Well over a month in the making, construction of the Mackenzie River ice crossing officially began Nov. 18 and the road opened to light traffic as of Nov. 30.

With the holiday season fast approaching, workers continue to thicken the road to ensure it’s safe for heavier vehicles. Ultimately, the road will accommodate the heaviest of 18-wheeler trucks bringing supplies and Christmas presents to Inuvik. Photos courtesy of Lawrence Norbert

                                            Workers auger holes in the ice as part of work on the Mackenzie River crossing. Photo courtesy of Lawrence Norbert                            Workers auger holes in the ice as part of work on the Mackenzie River crossing. Photo courtesy of Lawrence Norbert

                          Tsiigehtchic’s ferry sits back to relax for another winter. Photo courtesy of Lawrence Norbert          Tsiigehtchic’s ferry sits back to relax for another winter. Photo courtesy of Lawrence Norbert

                          Mist from the river glows a pale orange in the sunlight. Photo courtesy of Lawrence Norbert          Mist from the river glows a pale orange in the sunlight. Photo courtesy of Lawrence Norbert

                          Workers continue to auger out holes as others lay out a smooth layer of ice. Photo courtesy of Lawrence Norbert          Workers continue to auger out holes as others lay out a smooth layer of ice. Photo courtesy of Lawrence Norbert

                          A pathway slowly takes shape as workers clear away loose snow and pack down the ice road. Photo courtesy of Lawrence Norbert          A pathway slowly takes shape as workers clear away loose snow and pack down the ice road. Photo courtesy of Lawrence Norbert

                          A mist rises up from the work site as the sun beams down. Photo courtesy of Lawrence Norbert          A mist rises up from the work site as the sun beams down. Photo courtesy of Lawrence Norbert

                          Workers clear out bore holes and flood the surface. Photo courtesy of Lawrence Norbert          Workers clear out bore holes and flood the surface. Photo courtesy of Lawrence Norbert

                          Water from deep below is pumped up to help solidify the surface. Photo courtesy of Lawrence Norbert          Water from deep below is pumped up to help solidify the surface. Photo courtesy of Lawrence Norbert

                          Extra weight helps the auger dig through the thick ice. Photo courtesy of Lawrence Norbert          Extra weight helps the auger dig through the thick ice. Photo courtesy of Lawrence Norbert

About the Author: Eric Bowling

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