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Shauna Morgan wins in Yellowknife North

Shauna Morgan will be heading to the legislative assembly as the MLA-elect for Yellowknife North.
Shauna Morgan, the MLA-elect for Yellowknife North MLA, said focusing on common priorities and setting specific outcomes on key areas will ensure success. Kaicheng Xin/NNSL photo

Shauna Morgan will be heading to the legislative assembly as the MLA-elect for Yellowknife North.

The results aren’t final, but she was well out in front of her two opponents as of 11:30 p.m. Tuesday

Morgan said that she acknowledged the challenges that the NWT faces but expressed faith in the community’s ability to build a better future.

“For having the hope that we can do things differently in the future and that we’re gonna really seek out constructive solutions,” she said. “And I really did feel going door to door, talking to so many people, that people have so many ideas and so much hope for what can be done.”

She also stressed the importance of focusing on common priorities and setting specific outcomes on issues such as the economy, housing, and health care.

She said that instead of treating these issues as separate entities, it’s crucial to understand their interconnections and focus on intergrated outcomes.

She believes the next assembly should work on what was started by the previous assembly.

“We don’t wipe the slate clean and start from nothing. That would be ridiculous and wasteful,” she said. “We need to actually put resources to it and implement it instead of putting it on the shelf, and within a lens of identifying the outcomes. I think many of those existing strategies and action plans will fit into those goals.”

About the Author: Kaicheng Xin

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