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Seventh Northwest Territories resident dies from Covid-19

A seventh Northwest Territories resident has died due to Covid-19.
The OCPHO has announced a seventh COVID-related death in the NWT via their Oct. 12 update. As well, Yellowknife makes up more than 60% of active cases in the territory. Photo courtesy of Adobe stock

A seventh Northwest Territories resident has died due to Covid-19.

The Office of the Chief Public Health Officer reported Oct. 12 there are 83 new active cases in the territory since Oct. 8 for a total of 335, including 211 in Yellowknife and 105 in Behchokǫ̀.

A total of 1,081 cases have resolved, including 19 non-residents.

Forty-seven of the 51 people who have been hospitalized since the advent of the pandemic were infected with the Delta variant that is fuelling the current outbreak in the North Slave.