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Richard Edjericon seeks re-election as Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh MLA in the fall

Richard Edjericon, MLA of Tu Nedhé-Wiilideh, is seeking re-election in the fall with a focus on continuing his advocacy work.
Richard Edjericon, current MLA of Tu Nedhé-Wiilideh, plans to run for re-election in the fall. “The 20th Assembly represents an opportunity to re-think the NWT economy and build new relationships with Indigenous governments.” Photo courtesy of Richard Edjericon

Richard Edjericon, MLA of Tu Nedhé-Wiilideh, is seeking re-election in the fall with a focus on continuing his advocacy work.

Edjericon is a journeyman carpenter and former Head Chief of Yellowknives Dene First Nation (YKDFN). His other experience includes being the CEO of YKDFN, former Akaitcho Chiefs Spokesperson, former Chairman for the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board, general housing division manager for the Government of Northwest Housing Corporation, and chairman of the GNWT Apprenticeship Board.

According to a press release announcing his intentions, it states that his campaign’s focus will be to advocate for the concerns of his constituents and communities to the GNWT.

“My goal is to bring back public confidence, stability, and to provide leadership for the next four years with a new vision and mandate that meets the needs of all residents in the NWT,” he stated. “The 20th Assembly represents an opportunity to re-think the NWT economy and build new relationships with Indigenous governments.”

Among the concerns he plans to address is seeking compensation and an apology from the Premier for abused students in the Indian Federal Day Schools which was funded by the GNWT; resolution and an apology from the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Shane Thompson, for the unlawful search of the Timber Bay camp on Artillery Lake belonging to the Lutsel K’é Dene First Nation last year; pursing a public inquiry, apology, and compensation for affected communities for the Kosmos 954 incident which involved a satellite belonging to the Soviet Union that malfunctioned and scattered radioactive debris in Great Slave Lake near Fort Resolution in 1977; and advocating for the Premier to recognize and affirm the Vatican’s repudiated “Doctrine of Discovery”.

Edjericon plans to continue advocating for the winter road, additional barging services for Lutsel K’e and development of a residential lot for Dettah/Ndilo/Lutsel K’e and Fort Resolution, new Chip Seal roads for Lutsel K’e and Fort Resolution, implement the Affirmative Action policy, child welfare concerns, a new School for Dettah and new after-school activities for youth in the communities.

“I have been honoured and humbled to serve my constituents since my election in 2022,” he stated. “I have a better insight on how the government operates and am confident, given a full term to work with, I will be even more effective at getting results for my constituents and NWT residents.”

Edjericon served one term as MLA.

Yellowknifer contacted Edjericon for additional details about his campaign but he did not respond before press time.

The election is scheduled to take place this October.