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RCMP delivers food to Jean Marie River as part of yearly initiative

Through a yearly initiative where RCMP National Division employees ‘adopt a village’ in Canada to receive donations, the community of Jean Marie River was chosen to receive 1300 pounds of food after a difficult 2021.
Jean Marie River receives near $3,000 in donations in food from RCMP after difficult 2021. Among items purchased were canned vegetables, snacks for the children, baking goods, sugar, and flour. Photo courtesy of Tammy Neal

Through a yearly initiative where RCMP National Division employees ‘adopt a village’ in Canada to receive donations, the community of Jean Marie River was chosen to receive 1300 pounds of food after a difficult 2021.

The food was transported by plane, which landed in Fort Simpson on Feb. 10

Cpl. Dawn Metallic of the Ottawa RCMP led the intuitive. Metallic stated that National Division employees donated close to $3,000.

Food was collected through volunteers in Ottawa who went shopping to purchase various goods such as canned vegetables, snacks for the children, baking goods, sugar, and flour, among others.

From the Fort Simpson Airport, Metallic and Inspector Barry LaRocque, the NWT RCMP south district officer in charge, delivered the food to Jean Marie River. It was then added to its community-food shelves.

Organizers also prepared a Valentine basket for each household.

“The community of Jean Marie River demonstrated great resilience this past year and for the RCMP to help out in this small way is fulfilling for us,” stated LaRocque