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RCMP buys books written by Indigenous authors for several communities

The RCMP’s South District is giving several communities the gift of reading in honour of the national force’s 150th anniversary this year.
The Polar Bear’s Gift by Jeanne Bushey is one of the books that have been purchased by the RCMP South District. This, along with four others, will be given to reading programs in 10 communities. Image courtesy of Amazon

The RCMP’s South District is giving several communities the gift of reading in honour of the national force’s 150th anniversary this year.

It has purchased several culturally-appropriate books authored by Indigenous writers with the intention of giving them to local reading programs in the 10 communities served by detachments in the district. In the South Slave region, that includes Fort Smith, Hay River, Fort Resolution and Lutselk’e.

The books include Akilak’s Adventure by Kigjugalik Webster; Quest for the Light by Brian Willows; The Polar Bear’s Gift by Jeanne Bushey; A Promise is a Promise by Michael Kusugak; and When We Were Alone by David Robertson. They were bought at The Book Cellar in Yellowknife with the funding coming courtesy of the RCMP 150 Fund.

The fund was created to to give back to local communities to help celebrate 150 years of the RCMP.

The idea behind the purchase came from Cpl. Carmen Dutz of the Hay River detachment, who also managed to get the funding that made the purchase possible.

It’s not know how much the purchase was, but Jen Baerg Steyn, owner of the Book Cellar, said one of each book was bought for each of the 10 communities.

She also said it’s a great way for people to better understand the North.

“Historically, there’s been a fraught relationship between the RCMP and Indigenous people, so these books will be good for each community,” she said. “We’re happy to support Indigenous authors writing their stories and helping to improve literacy, which is very important.”

According to a press release from G Division RCMP, detachments will be getting in touch with each community to have officers attend their various programs and read the stories to youth as a way to better engage the community.