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Premier offers condolences to families, friends of plane crash victims


Premier R.J. Simpson conveyed his sympathy to those who lost people close to them in a Tuesday morning plane crash near Fort Smith.

“It is with a heavy heart that I express my deepest condolences to the families, friends, and loved ones of those who were aboard the Northwestern Air flight that crashed outside of Fort Smith today,” Simpson stated in a news release issued early Tuesday evening.

“The impact of this incident is felt across the territory. The people we lost were not just passengers on a flight; they were neighbours, colleagues, friends, and loved ones. Their stories and contributions to our communities will not be forgotten.

“In the Northwest Territories (NWT), we come together and take care of each other, especially during difficult times. To those affected by this tragedy: as you navigate this time of grief and sorrow, remember that you have the thoughts and prayers of residents across the NWT. We stand with you, we grieve with you, and we share the pain of your loss,” Simpson added. “As we seek to understand the circumstances of this tragedy, I’d also like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the first responders and rescue teams who continue to work tirelessly at the crash site.

“If today’s news has impacted you, I encourage you to seek support by talking to your loved ones, calling 811 OR 1-844-259-1793 or accessing one of the services listed here: .”

In addition, the Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority advised of the mental health supports available in Fort Smith.

-The first point of access should be the Community Counselling Program – available Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 5pm by phone at 867-872-6310

-Mental health staff will also be on call outside of regular business hours. To access support, call the Fort Smith Emergency Department at 867-872-6200 and you will be connected with the counsellor on call.

Additional counselling staff have been deployed to Fort Smith to assist residents and ensure increased capacity over the coming days, the health authority noted.

About the Author: Derek Neary

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