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Nunavut premier assigns portfolios to new ministers

The Government of Nunavut’s cabinet has been reorganized following the swearing in of new members Joelie Kaernerk and Daniel Qavvik.
MLAs Daniel Qavvik and Joelie Kaernerk joined cabinet on Saturday, Sept. 23, and were assigned their portfolios on the morning of Monday, Sept. 25. NNSL file photo

The Government of Nunavut’s cabinet has been reorganized following the swearing in of new members Joelie Kaernerk and Daniel Qavvik.

Kaernerk, the MLA representing Amittuq, and Qaavik, who represents Hudson Bay, officially joined cabinet at a leadership forum on Saturday, Sept. 23, and in a Sept. 25 news release, Premier P.J. Akeeagok assigned their portfolios.

See cabinet’s latest portfolio assignments, starting with Kaernerk and Qavvik, below.

-Minister Joelie Kaernerk oversees Culture and Heritage; Languages; and is responsible for the Qulliq Energy Corporation.

-Minister Daniel Qavvik takes over at Environment; Energy; and is responsible for Nunavut Arctic College.

-Premier P.J. Akeeagok remains minister of Executive and Intergovernmental Affairs; Indigenous Affairs; and is responsible for Immigration. He also assumes responsibility for the Utility Rates Review Council.

-Minister Pamela Hakongak Gross remains deputy premier and minister of Education. She’s also responsible for Seniors. She’s scheduled to resume her ministerial responsibilities on Oct. 16, following maternity leave.

-Minister David Joanasie remains government house leader, minister of Community and Government Services, and will remain acting deputy premier and acting minister of Education until Oct. 16.

-Minister Lorne Kusugak remains minister of Finance; minister responsible for the Liquor Licensing Board; minister responsible for the Nunavut Housing Corporation; and remains acting minister responsible for Seniors until Oct. 16.

-Minister David Akeeagok remains minister of Justice; Economic Development and Transportation. He’s also responsible for Labour; Mines; Trade; the Human Rights Tribunal; and the Nunavut Business Credit Corporation and Nunavut Development Corporation.

-Minister John Main remains minister of Health and Minister and is responsible for Suicide Prevention.

-Minister Margaret Nakashuk remains minister of Human Resources and Family Services. She’s also responsible for Homelessness; the Status of Women; the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission; and Poverty Reduction.

About the Author: Tom Taylor

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