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Ottawa to invest nearly $19 million for new homes in Fort Liard, Nahanni Butte, Wrigley, Lutsel K’e and Tlicho communities

NWT MP Michael McLeod announced on Jan. 18 that the Government of Canada will invest nearly $19 million to help build close to 50 new homes for Indigenous people in the Northwest Territories. NNSL file photo

The federal government is set to invest nearly $19 million to help build more than 50 new homes for Indigenous residents of the NWT.

The investment, part of the third phase of the Rapid Housing Initiative (RHI), was announced in a Jan. 18 news release by NWT MP Michael McLeod.

“No relationship is more important to Canada and our government than the one with Indigenous peoples,” said McLeod. “That is why our government is partnering with First Nations across the Northwest Territories to rapidly create over 50 new homes for people who are at risk of homelessness. This investment will go a long way in providing new affordable housing units, while addressing the unique barriers faced by First Nations communities in the territory.”

According to the release, the federal government’s investment will bring new homes to the Tlicho communities of Wekweeti, Gameti, Whati, and Behchoko, as well as the Lutsel K’e, Fort Liard, Nahanni Butte and Wrigley.

“Today’s announcement allows us to continue our work to create quality, affordable housing that is essential to the building of strong and healthy Tlicho families and communities,” said Tlicho Grand Chief Jackson Lafferty. “Tlicho Government has taken a proactive approach to identify and create long-term housing solutions that will support our people in maintaining their mental and physical health, while instilling community and cultural pride.”

“Mahsi cho to the Government of Canada for the opportunity for new units to house our members,” added Chief Lloyd Moses of Pehdzeh Ki First Nation. “These are long overdue in our community. They will create growth and reduce homelessness in the community.”

The spending breakdown for the federal government’s investment in NWT housing is as follows:

- $4.2 million from Ottawa for 26 new homes in the Tlicho communities of Wekweeti, Gameti, Whati and Behchoko, and $2.8 million from Tlicho Government

-$1.8 million from Ottawa to Acho Dene Koe First Nation for five homes in Fort Liard and a shared total of $870,000 from Acho Dene Koe First Nation and its economic development corporation ADK Holdings Ltd.

-$3.3 million from Ottawa for up to 10 homes in Lutsel K’e Dene First Nation and $2.2 million from Lutsel K’e Dene First Nation

-$5.5 million from Ottawa for seven homes in Nahanni Butte, $500,000 from Housing NWT, and $890,000 from the Nahanni Butte Dene Band

-$3.9 million from Ottawa for six homes in Wrigley, $454,999 from Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC) and $511,025 from the Pehdzeh Ki First Nation

“This seven-unit residential project [being built] will contribute significantly to address overcrowding issues in the community and find homes for women, youth and families,” said Chief Steve Vital of the Nahanni Butte Dene Band. “Nahanni Butte doesn’t have an all-weather road and it remains isolated for two months a year, resulting in logistics problems and a high cost of living for the residents. Since 2021, we have tried our best to improve community infrastructure including getting new houses. This project is a result of the work we have done.”

Lucy Kuptana, minister Responsible for Housing NWT, added, “Meeting the housing needs in the Northwest Territories is bigger than any single government or organization. We must work in partnership with Indigenous governments, the Government of Canada, community governments, and other stakeholders to increase the number of affordable units across the North. I look forward to seeing the results of a continued partnership with the Government of Canada as we work together to address the territory’s housing crisis.”