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Ontario man with Whati connection convicted of child porn crimes to be sentenced Sept. 13

Sentencing for Mario Laplante, an Ontario man convicted of possessing a massive cache of child pornography while in Whati, is set to conclude Sept. 13.
64-year-old Ontario man convicted August 4 on two charges from August 28, 2019 involving child pornography. The current sentence hearing is set to continue on September 13, 2021. NNSL file photo

Sentencing for Mario Laplante, an Ontario man convicted of possessing a massive cache of child pornography while in Whati, is set to conclude Sept. 13.

Laplante, 64, was charged on August 28, 2019, to two charges relating to possession of, and having made available, child pornography. Laplante was residing in Whati at the time of the offence.

During the time of the hearing, Laplante admitted to being in possession of thousands of images and thousands of videos.

Laplante pleaded guilty to the offence on April 5, 2021. A hearing on the admissibility of evidence for sentencing consideration was to take place in May. Laplante’s sentence is expected to be delivered Sept. 13.