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NWT wildfires: Hay River, KFN and Fort Smith face 'difficult days ahead'

Wildfires are bearing down on the Town of Fort Smith.

Wildfires are bearing down on the Town of Fort Smith.

Wildlife information officer Mike Westwick outlined the situation during a press conference Aug. 21.

“The fire remains about four kilometres away from the community,” said Westwick. “We’ve seen fire burning so deep that trees appear to be suspended in the ground.

“The unified command there is preparing for some extremely difficult days ahead.”

Westwick said rising temperatures, westerly winds and a lack of moisture could push the fire back towards the town.

He said structural protections have been set up along the wildfire and all communities under threat have protections in place.

Westwick said there are challenging days ahead in Hay River, Kakisa and Enterprise. Hot dry weather is expected to continue, winds are expected to be north to northeast.

“We’re concerned by the incoming weather over the next few days,” he said, noting winds could reach up to 50 kilometres per hour.

All 30 essential workers, will be evacuated if the situation worsens, said Emergency Management Organization (EMO) information officer Jennifer Young.

The $750 evacuation income support has now been opened up to evacuees of Hay River and K’atl'odeeche First Nation.

About the Author: Eric Bowling

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