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NWT wildfires: GNWT now says school could be delayed instead of remote learning

Students currently under evacuation order from the NWT Wildfires will not be learning remotely in September.

Students currently under evacuation order from the NWT Wildfires will not be learning remotely in September.

A reversal of what Premier Caroline Cochrane said during an Aug. 20 press conference was sent to media shortly after 11 a.m. Aug. 21.

“We would like to provide clarification regarding what education and school will look like in the coming weeks for evacuees in light of updated information,” wrote cabinet communications officer Mike Gibbins. “Earlier today (Monday), the Department of Education, Culture and Employment met with education bodies to discuss options for schooling, including the likely possibility that the start of school in evacuated communities will be postponed until there can be further review of options for elementary and high school students based on needs and resources.

“The deputy minister of Education, Culture and Employment will be available to answer questions during tonight’s 7 p.m. press conference. In the meantime, we ask that media help spread awareness that online learning is not being pursued at this time.”

Last night, Cochrane noted the GNWT already had remote learning infrastructure in place from the Covid-19 pandemic and suggested students could use that to start the school year in September while the southern NWT remains under evacuation.

About the Author: Eric Bowling

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