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NWT resident dies of COVID-19

An NWT resident has died from COVID-19, chief public health officer Dr. Kami Kandola said in a news release, Aug. 24.
The NWT’s first death from COVID-19 in a resident comes as case numbers in the current outbreak reached 220 on Aug. 23, all but one case being in residents. Drug Target Review photo

An NWT resident has died from COVID-19, chief public health officer Dr. Kami Kandola said in a news release, Aug. 24.

The individual passed away the evening of Aug. 23.

“My thoughts are with the person’s family, friends, and community,” Kandola said. “At a time, when we are trying to keep an entire population healthy, this death reminds us that individuals are at the heart of this effort. Our Office knows that the memories of the person who died will weave into the collective memories of their loved ones and live on. Out of respect for those with dear memories of loved ones, I will not be releasing any personal details or responding to questions about the deceased.”

Premier Caroline Cochrane and Health Minister Julie Green expressed their condolences on the death in a joint statement.

“On behalf of the Government of the Northwest Territories, and all NWT residents, we want to extend our sincerest sympathies to the family and friends of the resident who passed away,” they said. “Our hearts go out to you in this challenging, and difficult time. We know this is hard, but please know that we grieve with you, and so do residents across the NWT.

“The current case count in the NWT is a stark reminder that COVID-19 continues to impact our lives, and that the situation can change quickly. The health and well-being of NWT residents and communities remains our number one priority – and it’s important we continue to increase the number of residents being vaccinated. This is our best defence against the virus. We ask you all to continue to remain strong and vigilant to limit the spread of the virus. It’s important we all continue to follow the Public Health Orders, and all recommendations such as washing your hands, wearing a mask, and keeping a safe distance.”

The territory’s first death from COVID-19 comes as active case numbers reached 220 as of Aug. 23, with 27 cases in Yellowknife and one in a non-resident.