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NWT Fires: UPDATED: GNWT announces $750 relief funding for self-evacuees

UPDATE: The GNWT now says the Community Government Hosting Evacuees Grant is not being expanded and that was given in error. A correction was issued shortly after 2 p.m. Aug. 27.

UPDATE: The GNWT now says the Community Government Hosting Evacuees Grant is not being expanded and that was given in error. A correction was issued shortly after 2 p.m. Aug. 27.

“This original news release indicated that the GNWT’s Community Government Hosting Evacuees Grant is being expanded into a broad Hosting Grant,” reads the correction. “This grant continues to be offered to community governments, and is not being expanded. Eligibility criteria and application forms can be found here.”


People who evacuated the NWT on their own will be eligible for up to $750.

An announcement was made at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 25.

“The Evacuation Travel Support Program is available to NWT residents who, by order, evacuated their home community because of the 2023 wildfires,” reads the announcement. “Eligible individuals who evacuated by vehicle will be provided with a one-time direct deposit as follows: $750 per vehicle evacuated to a southern jurisdiction; or $400 per vehicle evacuated within the NWT.

“Evacuees who left by road but need to return by air will be eligible to register for organized re-entry flights paid for by the GNWT. Details on how to register will come at a later date as re-entry planning progresses.”

The announcement also notes that individuals at evacuation centres who seek accommodation will have their accommodation expenses covered for the duration of the evacuation.

Eligibility for the Employment Income Disruption Support program is being modified so that small business owners and self employed people can apply for it.

The SEED program is also being expanded to allow for applications from evacuees.

“In addition to this funding for residents, the Support for Entrepreneurs and Economic Development (SEED) Policy has been expanded to allow for contributions of up to $5,000 to offset operational costs incurred by wildfire-affected businesses,” says the notice. “Applications for costs incurred from May 2023 onward will be accepted and must be supported by receipts or equivalent proof.

“Businesses that have already received funding for wildfire relief under the SEED Policy can receive up to the $5,000 funding limit if they can continue to meet the program criteria required. These supports are temporary additions to SEED and will be accessible until March 31, 2024.”

Details on how to apply to these programs will be released next week.

Finance Minister Caroline Wawzonek said the funding is not tied to the Aug. 28 Legislative Assembly meeting.

“This is a change we expect can be funded from existing appropriations,” said Wawzonek. “It should be ready to have intake hopefully by Monday.

“I have no doubt that a lot of people will say this doesn’t meet their needs. We were trying to be quick.”

Wawzonek said the GNWT was setting aside $600 million for the program.

About the Author: Eric Bowling

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