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NWT active Covid cases drop below 50

The Office of the Chief Public Health Officer (OCPHO) announced 24 new cases of Covid-19 in the NWT since Nov. 5.
There are fewer than 50 active Covid cases in the NWT, according to the Nov. 8 update from the Office of the Chief Public Health Officer. A recent surge in the Beaufort Delta resulted in 18 active cases of the virus. Photo courtesy of Adobe stock

The Office of the Chief Public Health Officer (OCPHO) announced 24 new cases of Covid-19 in the NWT since Nov. 5.

There are 43 active cases among residents in the territory and three active out-of-territory cases.

Of the 46 overall active cases, a recent surge of Covid-19 in the Beaufort Delta region has affected Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk with a combined total of 18 active cases.

As well, in Dettah, Ndilǫ, and Yellowknife, there are a total of 25 active cases.

Behchokǫ̀, Hay River, and K’atl’odeeche First Nation are down to a single case.

Ekati also has just one infected individual.

The total number of NWT Covid cases going back to mid-August has increased to 1,802.

Over that period, 1,721 NWT residents and 24 out-of-territory cases have recovered, and there have been 11 deaths.