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Next steps for Tsiigehtchic to be revealed June 14

With an overwhelming majority of Tsiigehtchic voting in favour of hamlet status, all eyes are on an upcoming meeting with Municipal and Community Affairs (MACA) to determine the next steps.
People in Tsiigehtchic have voted overwhelmingly to become a hamlet. A representative from MACA will be in the community June 14 to discuss the next steps. NNSL file photo

With an overwhelming majority of Tsiigehtchic voting in favour of hamlet status, all eyes are on an upcoming meeting with Municipal and Community Affairs (MACA) to determine the next steps.

On May 23, 51 residents cast a ballot in favour of transitioning from Tsiigehtchic’s current charter community status — nearly 75 per cent of the 90 eligible voters.

Senior administrative officer Jeff Mercier said representatives from MACA were due to meet with council on June 14. Residents would learn what happens next then.

“The community seems pretty happy,” he said. “Everyone I’ve spoken with is happy it went that way.

“We’re looking forward to the next steps to see what they are.”

Initially started in 2019, the petition to become a hamlet was first handed to MACA in March of that year. After a six month process, the petition was sent to Minister Shane Thompson’s desk for approval. At the time, it was hoped to have the change official by summer of 2020.

Then, the Covid-19 pandemic shifted government priorities significantly. It wasn’t until February this year when the process formally got underway. A six month window to submit feedback wrapped up on May 3, paving the way for the plebiscite.

As a charter community, Tsiigehtchic blends membership between both its municipal council and band council. The elected band chief is automatically declared the mayor and three members of the band council automatically sit on municipal council. Two members of the public can also be elected to council during a charter community election.

As a hamlet, Tsiigehtchic will have a devoted municipal council that anyone in the community can run for and serve on, while maintaining an independent band council.

About the Author: Eric Bowling

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