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Mayors, councillors, DEA members elected and acclaimed; community by community results

Nunnuvumiut headed to the polls across the territory on Oct. 23 to cast ballots in municipal elections.

Nunnuvumiut headed to the polls across the territory on Oct. 23 to cast ballots in municipal elections.

Some had the idea of carpooling to polling locations, in the spirit of community and conserving resources.

Days earlier, in the legislative assembly on Oct. 20, Community and Government Services Minister David Joanasie spoke of the crucial role that local governments play.

“Serving on municipal council and making decisions on behalf of the community is a major commitment,” he said. “Elected officials on municipal councils come from various backgrounds and walks of life. One common theme among them is the care and passion they have for their community… municipal councils spend many hours meeting throughout the year, meeting with a variety of stakeholders from in and outside the community and making decisions on behalf of the community, and providing leadership.”

He added that local leadership is “the essence of pijitsirniq, by serving and providing for family and the community, and aajiiqatigiingniq: decision-making through discussion and consensus.

“Of special note is the number of women who have put their name forward to serve as mayor and/or councillor and provide a leadership role in their community,” Joanasie also noted.

He went on to thank all candidates who put their name forward as well as the outgoing mayors and councillors. Joanisie concluded that his office would continue to support all elected officials and wished them luck.

There were, however, three communities where outcomes were not yet declared. The mayoral results for Sanirajak between contestants Ammie H. Kipsigak and Phillip Anguratsiaq, both coming in at 57 votes, resulted in a tie, as well as elections for the alcohol education committee in in Kinngait. Cambridge Bay is also currently in the process of recounting votes.

Dustin Fredlund, chief electoral officer, stated that the Nunavut Elections Act provides two options when ties occur: choose the winner by draw if the two candidates agree: or a recount overseen by a justice of the peace. If the recount also results in a tie, the winner will be chosen by draw.

It is not known at this time what direction each community will take.

The unofficial election results and vote counts, where applicable, are as follows.

Arctic Bay — Mayor: Olayuk Naqitarvik (acclaimed)

Council: Kigutikajuk, Shappa (acclaimed)

District Education Authority: Elvina Natanine, Jason Issigaitok, Jude Weigel, Ashley Kataisee Taqtu, Susan Enoogoo, Morty Alooloo (acclaimed)

Alcohol Education Committee: Marina Muckpaloo (acclaimed)

Arviat — Mayor: Joe Savikataaq Jr. (acclaimed)

Council (eight elected): Alex Ishalook, 153; Gordy Kidlapik, 147; Jimmy Main, 137; Uppahuak Gleason, 137; David Kuksuk, 134; Nathan Caskey, 134; Jason Gibbons, 127; Mike Gibbons, 110. Unelected: Darren Price, 100

District Education Authority: Jacqueline Otuk, Jackie Williams

Baker Lake — Mayor: Kevin Iksiktaaryuk, 226; James Taipana, 129

Council (eight elected): Trevor Attungala, 223; Michael Akilak, 218; Becky Tootoo, 217; Grace Tagoona, 211; Adham Adose, 206; Eric John Tapatai, 199; Siobhan Doherty-Iksiktaaryuk, 194; Eva Elytook, 192. Unelected: Aquilla Amaruq, 174; David Owingayak, 147; Michael Mautaritnaaq, 115; Salomonie Pootoogook,73

District Education Authority: Siobhan Doherty-Iksiktaaryuk, Naomie Hope Itqiliq, Darlene Nukik (acclaimed)

Cambridge Bay — Mayor: Wayne Gregory, 202; Derek Elias, 181; Charles Zikalala, 31

Council: Results incomplete

District Education Authority: Alan Sim, Chris Crooks, Cory Baker, Adrian Nocon, Mark Slatter (acclaimed)

Chesterfield Inlet — Mayor: Simionie Sammurtok, 45; Tony Amauyak 34; Mary Ann Issaluk, 25

Council: Gaetano Scala, Yvonne Bedford, Eddy Kalluk, Doriana Sammurtok, Venissa Mimialik, Charles Issaluk, Elizabeth Ippiak (acclaimed)

District Education Authority: Louie Kukkiak, 86; Doriana Sammurtok, 81; Simon Aggark, 80; Russell Mullins, 69; Yvonne Bedford, 67; Geraldine Kreelak, 67; Roy Mullins, 64. Unelected: Gaetano Scala, 50; Mary Ann Issaluk, 50; David Kattegatsiak, 48; Jodi Tanuyak, 27

Alcohol Education Committee: Randy Boiteau, 98; Peter Kattegatsiak Jr., 95; Russell Mullins, 89; Gaetano Scala, 83; Yvonne Bedford, 83; Roy Mullins, 80; Gardner Walters, 80. Unelected: Shawna Mullins, 69

Clyde River — Mayor: Liemikie Palluq (acclaimed)

Council: Gordon Kautuk, Mosa Palituq, Natanine Apak (acclaimed). District Education Authority: Gina Paniloo (acclaimed)

Alcohol Education Committee (7 members): Sheila Enook (Acclaimed)

Coral Harbour — Mayor: Kupapik Ningeocheak (acclaimed)

Council: Lucy Nester, Willie Nakoolak, Molly Aggootealuk, Kristal Sharpe (acclaimed)

District Education Authority: Darryl Nakoolak, Kidlapik Nakoolak, Jerry Paniuq, Amouyah Bernidette Eetuk, Akavak Ottokie, Willie Nakoolak, Lucy Netser (acclaimed)

Gjoa Haven — Mayor: Raymond Quqshuun Sr., 258; Megan Porter, 139

Council: Results incomplete

District Education Authority: Samuel Takkiruq, Hannah Kingmiaqtuq, Rebecca Ikuallaq, Jack Ameralik, Wilfrid Bagley, Mohammadali Shaikh, Carol Takkiruq (acclaimed)

Grise Fiord — Mayor: Miya Kigutaak, 27; Jaypetee Peter, 16

Council: Susie Kigutak, Arqnarulunnguaq Audlaluk, Eva Muckpa, Laisa Audlaluk-Watsko, Jimmy Qaapik (acclaimed)

District Education Authority: Anne Akeeagok, Larry Audlaluk (acclaimed)

Iglulik — Mayor: George Auksaq, 85; George Qattalik 83; Erasmus Ivvalu, 29

Council: Celestino Uyarak, Edward Attagutaluk, Shanshan Tian, Amanda Curley, Ludger Makkik, Jacob Malliki, Celina Uttuigak (acclaimed)

District Education Authority: Francis Piugattuk, Daniel Angilirq (acclaimed)

Alcohol Education Committee: Isaac Haulli, Lynn Quassa, Laben Kunuk, Daniel Angilirq (acclaimed)

Iqaluit — Mayor: Soloman Awa, 1,007; Vincent Yvon, 171; Lili Weemen, 90

Council: Kim Smith, 829; Romeyn Stevenson, 783; Kyle Sheppard, 741; Samuel Tilley, 688; Harry Flaherty, 686; Simon Nattaq, 665; Methusalah Kunuk, 663; Jack Anawak, 635. Unelected: Lewis Falkiner Mackay, 525; Swany Amarapala, 474; Matthew Clark, 410; Gabriel Ross, 389; Camilius Egeni, 330; Daniel Legacy, 241.

District Education Authority: Stephen Johnson, Camilius Egeni, Nicole Giles, Robynn Pavia, Jack Anawak (acclaimed)

Commission scolaire francophone du Nunavut: Collins Tagnigou, Zoya Martin, Margaret Friesen, Rene Tanga, Judy Sessua (acclaimed)

Apex District Education Authority: Anne Crawford, Jonathan Wright, Vincent Karetak (acclaimed)

Kimmirut — Mayor: Maliktoo Lyta (acclaimed)

Council: Terry Itulu, Mary Lyta, Terry Pitsiulak, Alashuk Allen (acclaimed)

District Education Authority: Joanasie Atsiaq, Mary Sagiaktuk, Akulujuk Judea (acclaimed).

Alcohol Education Committee: Terry Itulu, Maliktoo Lyta, Isaac Temela,Nooshoota Laila Onalik (acclaimed)

Kinngait — Mayor: Jimmy Manning (acclaimed)

Council: Caleva Kelly, Andre Wilkinson, Marianne Emond, Kumaarjuk Pii, Etungat Wakta, Salomonie Ashoona, Juanisie Etidloi, Zeke Ejesiak Ejesiak (acclaimed)

District Education Authority: Results incomplete

Alcohol Education Committee: Results incomplete

Kugaaruk — Mayor: Teddy Apsaktaun (acclaimed)

Council: Guido Tigvareark, Fabiola Ihakkaq, Canute Krejunark, Nick Amautinuar (acclaimed)

District Education Authority: Celina Ningark, Stephen Inaksajak, Columban Pujuardjok, Beatrix Apsaktaun, Jennifer Anguti, Mark Karlik Sr. (acclaimed)

Kugluktuk — Mayor: Ryan Navingalok, 168; Simon Kuliktana, 75; Helen Qimnik Klengenberg, 52; David Ho, 42; Phillip Evaglok, 7

Council: Results incomplete

District Education Authority: Nadene McMenemy, Angele Kuliktana, Barbara Olson, Mona Aviak, Kimnek Rose Klengenberg, Darlene Metuituk (acclaimed)

Naujaat — Mayor: Kevin Tegumiar, 97; Joseph Sivanertok, 24; Alan Robinson, 15

Council: Peter Mannik, John Goss, Steve Mapsalak, Levi Katokra, Rosie Kopak, Michel Akkuardjuk (acclaimed)

District Education Authority: James Jimmy Immingark, Martha Iguptak, John Goss, Kwong W. Leong (acclaimed)

Alcohol Education Committee: Irene Katokra, John Goss, Theresa Tagornak, Joanna Kopak, Conna Katokra (acclaimed)

Pangnirtung — Mayor: Lynn Meeka Mike, 230; Stevie Komoartok, 74

Council: Janice Alivaktuk, 253; Delia Young, 239; Davidee Nauyuq, 238; Julai Alikatuktuk, 224; Sheila Kilabuk, 213; Jaco Ishulutak, 206; Davidee Kooneeliusie, 192; Markus Wilcke, 162. Unelected: Johnathan Langridge, 158; Corbin Winsor, 116.

District Education Authority: Mathew Nauyuq, Karen Douglas, Lynn Mike, Jeannie Kalai Alivaktuk, Oloosie Pitsiulak, Joanna Kilabuk-Evic (acclaimed)

Pond Inlet — Mayor: Joshua Arreak, 161; David Qamaniq, 86

Council: Joshua Idlout, Elisirie Peterloosie, Guy Nutarariaq, E. Moses Koonark, Kadloo Cornelius Nutarak, Sharon Ootook (acclaimed)

District Education Authority: Boazie Ootoova, Susie Simonee (acclaimed)

Alcohol Education Committee: Mark Nutarak, Phanuel Enooagak

Qikiqtarjuaq — Mayor: Daisy Arnaquq (acclaimed)

Council: Mika Nookiguak, Geela Qiyuqtaq, Jonah M. Audlakiak, Jonah Keeyookta (acclaimed)

District Education Authority: Billy Mikoalik, Rosie Alikatuktuk, Kitty Natsiapik, Mary Alikatuktuk, Jonah Keeyookta (acclaimed)

Alcohol Education Committee: Mika Nookiguak, Billy Mikoalik, Jamie Audlakiak, Mary Alikatuktuk (acclaimed)

Rankin Inlet — Mayor: Harry Towtongie, 183, Megan Pizzo-Lyall, 178

Council: Chris Eccles, Levi Curley, Michael Shouldice, David Jr. Kakuktinniq, Danny Kowmuk, Art Sateana, Martha Hickes (acclaimed)

District Education Authority: Sheila Schweder, Ford Widrig, Mike Osmond, Margaret Uruluk Okatsiak (acclaimed)

Resolute Bay — Mayor: Aziz Kheraj, 35, Mark Amarualik, 18; Mike Stephens, 6

Council: Jazlin Salluviniq (acclaimed)

District Education Authority: Jazlin Salluviniq (acclaimed)

Alcohol Education Committee: Ralph Alexander, Mathew Nungaq, Lori Nungaq (acclaimed)

Sanikiluaq — Mayor: The mayoral race for Sanirajak was tied at 57 votes apiece for candidates Ammie H. Kipsigak and Phillip Anguratsiaq. Unelected: Jason Kaernerk, 33; David Curley, 24

Council: Christina L’heureux, Lucy Appaqaq, Sarah Kittosuk, Lucy Uppik, Dinah Kittosuk, Johnny Appaqaq, Johnny Inuktaluk (acclaimed)

District Education Authority: Johnny Inuktaluk, Lucy Appaqaq, Lucy Uppik, Christina L’heureux (acclaimed)

Sanirajak — Mayor: Results incomplete

Council: Results incomplete

District Education Authority: Elizabeth Kakooteenik, Dora Kelly Quayaut, Emelia Jayko, Martha Quqqiaq, James Saittuq (acclaimed)

Alcohol Education Committee: Janice Curley, Mary Angotautok, Rachel Aglak, Eunice Tungilik, Laimiki Innuarak, George Innuksuk, Asena Kaernerk, Anne Curley (acclaimed)

Taloyoak — Mayor: Lenny Panigayak, 117; Chuck Lyall, 80

Council: Dora Kelly Quayaut, James Saittuq, Fiona Neeveacheak, Solomon Iqalliyuq, David Totalik, Tommy Aiyout, Cecile Lyall (acclaimed)

District Education Authority: Elizabeth Kakooteenik; Dora Kelly Quayaut; Emelia Jayko, Martha Quqqiaq; James Saittuq (acclaimed)

Whale Cove — Mayor: Oliver Shipton, 67, Gerard Maktar, 46

Council: Megan Angootealuk, 86; Joefrey Okalik, 84; Guy Enuapik, 84; Sam Arualak, 83; Mariah Okalik, 76; Molly Okalik, 68; Eva Voisey, 62; Michael Angutetuar, 52. Unelected: Manu Nattar, 48; Elizabeth Kabloona, 41; Terri Rose Teenar, 20.

District Education Authority: Lavenia Angutituar, Manu Nattar, Patricia Enuapik, Lu-Anne Saumik, Morgan Payne (acclaimed)

Alcohol Education Committee: Agatha Ekwalak, Manu Nattar, Molly Okalik, Jonathan Ekwalak, Morgan Payne (acclaimed)

Kira Wronska Dorward

About the Author: Kira Wronska Dorward

I attended Trinity College as an undergraduate at the University of Toronto, graduating in 2012 as a Specialist in History. In 2014 I successfully attained a Master of Arts in Modern History from UofT..
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