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Mackenzie River ferry on 24-hour closure notice

Dropping temperatures have sped up plans to close the ferries along the Dempster Highway.
The Mackenzie River Ferry at Tsiigehtchic is on 24-hour closure notice. The ferry is the sole means of crossing the Arctic Red River to access the charter community, as well as the highways to both Fort McPherson and Inuvik. Eric Bowling/NNSL photo

Dropping temperatures have sped up plans to close the ferries along the Dempster Highway.

An announcement from Marine Operations North Nov. 4 states the sheet ice moving down the Mackenzie River is accumulating and beginning to hold up on the shore. Ice on the peel river is beginning to thicken around the C.F. Abraham Francis ferry.

As a response, the M. V. Louis Cardinal ferry at Tsiigehtchic is now on 24-hour closure notice, but could close sooner if conditions get colder. The C.F. Abraham Francis ferry will close on Nov. 7, but could close sooner as well.

About the Author: Eric Bowling

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