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Inuvik RCMP warn of phone scam after multiple complaints

Inuvik RCMP are warning residents of an apparrent landline phone scam operation claiming a relative has been injured in a car accident. Police say they’ve received several complaints about similar phone calls. Photo: Miryam Leon on Unsplash

If you get a random phone call from someone saying a relative of yours has been injured in a car accident and needs money for medical and legal fees, Inuvik RCMP warn it could very well be a scam.

Police say they’ve received a number of complaints about phone calls similar to this in recent history. Usually the initial call is followed up by a second phone call, this time by a person claiming to be the victim’s lawyer who offers a means to send the cash.

“All of the calls that have been reported to the Inuvik RCMP have followed this pattern but it is possible that variations on this tactic could be employed,” said RCMP media relations officer Cpl. Matt Halstead. “The other similarity that these scam calls have is that they have all been made to land line phones.

“Anyone who receives a call of this nature is asked to refrain from sending cash or providing personal details or banking information to the caller.”

RCMP are asking anyone who receives a phone call of this nature to report it to Inuvik RCMP by phoning (867) 777-1111.