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Inuvik Drum Neighbour Briefs: September 22

Canadian Navy receives third Arctic Patrol vessel

Canadian Navy receives third Arctic Patrol vessel

Halifax, NS

The third in a series of six Arctic Patrol ships has been delivered to the Canadian Navy.

Finishing touches were put on the HMCS Max Bernays in October of last year. The Harry DeWolf class offshore patrol vessel will crew 65 sailors in its 103 metre-long hull.

It’s named for Chief Petty Officer Max Bernays, who was awarded the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal for his expertise steering the HMCS Assiniboine in a navy battle Aug. 6, 1942. He rammed and sunk a German U-boat while carrying out the work of two telegraphers.

Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in cut support for Dempster Highway fibre optic line


A major infrastructure project reaching up to Inuvik has hit a snag after the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in government announced it was pulling support for the Dempster Highway fibre optic line, demanding work stop immediately.

As reported by CBC news, Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Chief Roberta Joseph said only 400 out of a required 3,500 hours of work have been provided to members of the community.

She also said contractors had disturbed grave sites and spilled about 100 litres of fuel.

Second northern passage adventure pulls out early


Another attempt to traverse the Northwest Passage powered purely by human energy, has been abandoned.

Brazilian sailors Beto Pandiani and Igor Bely set out from Tuktoyaktuk in June in a catamaran. They almost made it, but were forced to stop 400 kilometres away from Pond Inlet on Aug. 29.

No word on whether they’ll try again next year.

Eagle River bridge repaired

Dempster Highway

After a week of emergency repairs, the Eagle River bridge re-opened to light traffic on Sept. 11.

Oversized loads — vehicles weighing 63,500 kilograms and up — are still subject to review before crossing to ensure the bridge can handle the load.

The bridge closed Sept. 3, after a truck crash caused structural damage.

About the Author: Eric Bowling

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